Want to help?
iGive is a site that allows you to shop and help raise money for our cause! Please share with your friends and family and add the button to your browser!
We recommend Wikibuy to find great savings and the best deals, when online shopping in support of PARR!
You can shop online at Amazon off our WISH LIST for items we could really use for the rescue! Items
will ship right to our door and we are happy to provide you with a receipt for tax purposes!
Do you shop on Amazon often? Did you know you can choose PA Racehorse Rehoming as your CHARITY, and by shopping each time at smile.amazon.com, amazon donations a % of your purchases to PARR! You don't have to do anything but set us as your charity and just remember to go to smile.amazon.com when you go to make
a purchase on Amazon. It will save us as your charity of choice and automatically donate to
PARR when you shop through that link.
$25 - $49 Donation To List Your Business, Farm, Service
More Ways You Can Help...

- Donate Funds
- Donate Items/Goods/Feed/Supplies
- Spread the Word
- Share our Facebook® Posts
- Shop our E-Bay Store (coming soon!)
- Advertise on Our Website (tax deductible!)
- Sponsor An Animal
List of Needs:
Needs for Horses:
- Grain (most of the horses in the PARR program are eating Nutrena® Proforce Fuel , Nutrena® Empower and Balance, Nutrena®, $40/horse/week)
- Hay (We have a wonderful local farmer who grows beautiful hay...but it is expensive!)
- De-Wormer
- Winter Blankets, even ones that need small repairs.
- Supplements and Treats!
- Boarding Expenses
- Tack & Gear- BELL BOOTS!
- Farrier
- Dentist / Chiropractor
- Veterinary Care (vaccines, dental, injury care, minor surgeries, gelding,rehab, colic surgery, medications, etc...)
- and more...
Needs for Organization:
- Advertising / Equine.com (to get sponsorship, donations, funding, and network the animals into new homes.)
- Website, Online, Networking, E-Mail & Communication Expenses
(75% of our program involves creating ads/posts, sharing, responding to messages, phone calls, paperwork, networking...) - Equipment (laptop, printer, camera/video)